Project: Developing Social Entrepreneurship schemes for Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions in Neighborhood East (S.E.VET)

Cooperation Partners:

# Organization Country Role
3 Business and Education-Partnership Foundation (BEP Foundation) Armenia Partner
4 Lori Regional State College (State Non-Profit Organization) Armenia Partner
5 Education HUB Azerbaijan Partner
6 Goychay Development Center Youth Public Union Azerbaijan Partner
7 Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support Moldova Partner
9 NOVEL GROUP SARL Luxembourg Partner


General Objective: Increasing the number of social entrepreneurs through the development of dynamic programs in technical vocational education (engineering sector) that implement the concept of social entrepreneurship.

Specific Objectives:

1. S.E. VET Atlas (Online interactive tool)

Development of an online interactive tool (S.E.VET Atlas) for VET institutions from EU and non-EU countries to explore the optimal approach around the concept of social entrepreneurship in the engineering sector. The aim is to influence the social behavior/responsibility of VET students, teaching staff, and key decision-makers in the field.

2. S.E. VET Capacity Building Activities

Training the teaching staff of VET institutions on the subject of social entrepreneurship and identifying ways to integrate the addressed subject into the educational program.

3. S.E. VET Development of dynamic programs

Integration of social entrepreneurship aspects into VET within the engineering sector. Teaching staff from Eastern Partnership countries will collaborate with the private sector to create content that enhances the social entrepreneurship capacities of trainees. Six students will participate in an experience exchange.

4. S.E. VET Assessment tool

Development of an online platform that will create opportunities for students, teaching staff, and both local and international entrepreneurs to establish social entrepreneurship initiatives for the creation of future synergies.

5. Dissemination and communication

Ensuring visibility and communication throughout the duration of the project, allowing various stakeholders to engage and actively participate in the work packages.

Project description:

The social economy brings together a variety of businesses and entities with a focus on human value, aiming to generate products and services with a positive impact on society in all its facets (societal, economic, environmental). Social entrepreneurship, through innovative ways of managing organizations or creating new businesses, enhances social welfare and offers EU citizens the opportunity for civic engagement in the face of social challenges.

There are 2.8 million enterprises in the social economy, representing 10% of all businesses in the EU. Nearly 13.6 million people – about 6.2% of EU employees – work at enterprises in the social economy. In addition to paid labor, the social economy mobilizes volunteers, equivalent to 5.5 million workers. Furthermore, education and vocational training in Europe depend on high quality, labor market needs, and the demand for new skills. However, the social aspects of these educational programs are often overlooked.

The S.E. VET project aims to create social entrepreneurs by developing and establishing training programs in VET institutions, focusing on highlighting the social characteristics and traits of students in the engineering sector.


Project Duration: 1st of January 2023 – 31st of December 2025 (36 months)

Total project budget: 400 000 EUR (European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

under the powers delegated by the European Commission)

Implementation budget in RM: 34 903 EUR