
Presentation of the MEEETA III Project totals



Experts evaluating the impact of the MEEETA III project ( “Training Activity in the Field of Entrepreneurship and Employment”) consider that the “Basics of Entrepreneurship ” discipline, which was included in the curriculum of technical vocational education institutions, is a success story and helps students – and develop themselves their career projects.


This is the conclusion of the independent national experts who carried out the Study of Marking the Professional Route of the Graduates of the Technical Educational Institutions of the Republic of Moldova (Tracer Study).


The study was carried out between October 2016 and January 2017, with the aim of gathering views on the main components of the project from graduates of vocational schools, teachers teaching the subject of “Basics of Entrepreneurship” and employers who hired graduates of vocational schools.


Experts believe that in order to improve the content of this discipline there is a need to promote the idea and the need for close cooperation under all possible forms between VET institution and enterprises; to increase contacts with employers and to explain to them that it is in their best interest to participate in improving the training of VET students.


At the same time, the experts emphasize the need to return to the initial training of the teachers for teaching the “Basics of Entrepreneurship” discipline. An optimal solution would be to introduce this module / course in universities to pedagogical specialties and to strengthen the continuous training system of teachers involved in teaching the “Basics of Entrepreneurship” discipline.


This study, as well as the results of the implementation of the MEEETA III Project, was discussed during the event, organized by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, where the totals of the Project have been presented.


Sofia Suleanschi, CEDA’s Executive Director, noted that the project team is proud of its achievements, which enables students of technical vocational schools and colleges to choose their way of life and career easier.


According to Șofia Șuleanschi, through this project CEDA succeeded to contribute to the objective proposed by the state authorities to reach by 2020 the number of 25 thousand small and medium enterprises to 1000 citizens.


The CEDA Director pointed out that Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurship Development is an effective alternative to young people entering the labor market. Regardless of the field of vocational training, the most effective way to teach entrepreneurship is by involving students in practical projects and activities, focusing on learning by doing and gaining real entrepreneurial experience.


“Education based on skills and professional experience is essential for encouraging creative, critical, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking,” said Şuleanschi.


Pius Frick, representative of the International Foundation “Liechtenstein Development Service” (LED) in Moldova, who provided financial support for the implementation of the Project, said that the introduction of the “Basics of Entrepreneurship ” curriculum is an important achievement in the field of education, as well as for entrepreneurship, because this discipline offers more opportunities for graduates to trace the right path in life, and Moldova’s entrepreneurship to win more trained businessmen.


The representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry appreciated the efforts made by the CEDA team in the implementation of this project and mentioned that these activities come to complement the Government’s activities to implement policies in the fields of education and entrepreneurship.


Among the successful activities of the Project were the business start-up courses and the grant program, involving 174 graduates who attended courses and developed 110 business plans, 29 of which benefited from grants totaling over 37 thousand USD.


Through the implementation of this project, CEDA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, pursued the objective of increasing the chances of graduates of vocational schools and colleges of employment or business initiation, with increased entrepreneurial skills.


In order to promote the economic abilities of young people through the development of entrepreneurial income-generating skills, the main activities that have been carried out within the project are:


The new Curriculum for the “Entrepreneurship Basics” discipline was implemented. Based on a study to identify training needs, a series of trainings were organized for both teachers from VETs and colleges.


Two Methodological Centers for teaching the “Basics of Entrepreneurship” (in Chisinau and Balti) were set up for teachers who teach this discipline.


Students were supported in developing and implementing business plans: Business Plan Contests, Additional Entrepreneurship Start-up Courses; Start-up grants were provided; Production and mentoring practices were organized.


Three pilot institutions have been supported in planning and launching entrepreneurial activities with the participation of students. Such income generating activities offer additional opportunities to develop both the professional skills of the students and the entrepreneurship. In addition, income generating activities add to the budget of the institutions, which will become particularly important with the passage of institutions to self-management.


The total cost of the project was approximately 758 thousand USD.


Find here: Tracer Study (ENG) 31.01.2017