
Training “Planification of income generation activities in pilot schools”

Center For Entrepreneurial Education And Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Republic of Moldova Ministry of Education within “Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and  Training Activity” project – MEEETA III supported by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) organized “Planification of income generation activities in pilot schools” training, on 26-27 February 2015 in Chişinău.

Training participants were pilot schools involved in “Income generating activities” component of the project. Institutions had to present their homework – business plans developed by them, in that way participants shared their experience and recently achievements.

Topics discussed during training days:

-Business plan role and structure;

-Formation of specialists qualified by implementing income generating activities;

-Operational plan, management and business structure.

Participants made group projects on the discussed topics and received their new homework. Additional assistance groups will receive during expert’s visits at each pilot institution.

The training was interesting, productive and efficient, and the participant’s comments demonstrates this:

“Thank you for the interesting seminar. I found useful information about business planning, we analyzed the difference in creating business plans depending on the field of activity.”

“Training was organized at a very high level. We thank the organizers.”

“It was nice to work in an atmosphere of collaboration with the trainers.”

Trainers: Victor Pitei, Lia Sclifos

Agenda(available in romanian language) is attached