
Programe de formare pentru profesorii de Educație Civică și Diriginții implicați în pilotarea materialelor la Modulul ”Dezvoltare personală și proiectarea carierei”

During March 25 – April 2, 2016 the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, held training programs for teachers of civic education and class masters involved in piloting the course “Personal development and career design”.

The trainings were organized within the project “Re-Engeneering Vocational Orientation and Career Counceling for Moldovan labour force competitiveness” (REVOCC), implemented by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the National Agency for Employment (NAE ), and with the support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

The purpose of the trainings is to prepare teachers for piloting educational materials for the course “Personal development and career design” that will take place during the months of April and May 2016.

The teachers were actively involved in acting as students and teachers at demonstrative lessons based on interactive strategies.

At one of the demonstrative lessons there was participating a representative of the Agency of Employment – Eugenia Bizgu. She spoke about the importance of collaboration between the schools and the Agency of Employment, as well about the most required professions on the labor market.

During the trainings was discussed the issue of organizing meetings with the successful people from the local community. There were involved at the demonstrative lessons for this purpose:

1. The young entrepreneur Mihai Surdu, a CEDA grantee, who shared his experience of opening a business and spoke about the importance of the entrepreneurship as an option for career. See more at:;

2. Vitalie Pintelie, an entrepreneur on growing Aronia.

3. Silvia Petrovici, expert of REVOCC project and teacher of civic education from lyceum “Ion Creanga” (Chisinau). She spoke about developing teaching materials for piloting the course, the first reactions of pupils, the

reaction of teachers during the training and the importance of career education.

The education materials for pupils and teachers from vocational schools have been developed as well and adjusted for such kind of institutions. Altogether with the materials for pupils, class masters and teachers from lyceums and gymnasiums, they were approved for piloting by the Ministry of Education and distributed to the piloting schools:

– Theoretical lyceums: “Ion Creanga”(Chisinau), “Pro Success” (Chisinau), “Emil Nicula” (Mereni, Anenii Noi), “Mihai Eminescu” (Cahul), “Constantin Stere” (Soroca), “George Cosbuc” (Balti);

– Gymnasiums: “Galata” (Chisinau), “Igor Cretu” (Gavanoasa, Cahul);

– Vocational schools: No.3 (Chisinau), No.9 (Chisinau) and vocational school from Soroca (Soroca).