
ACGV – Entrepreneurial revenue-generating activities

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) in collaboration with KulturKontakt, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the Ministry of Finance and the financial support of the LED Foundation gathered on July 14, 2017, in the workshop, 43 administrators and accountants from 30 technical vocational education institutions. The theme of the workshop was Entrepreneurial income generating activities – basic principles and correct financial planning.


Sofia Suleanschi, Executive Director of CEDA, welcomed the interest of the representatives of the technical vocational education institutions present at the event:


“I am glad to see such a great interest on your part, active people who want to change something and I hope we will succeed together. We represent the ambitious organization that has introduced income generation in one of the objectives of the MEEETA project among vocational schools. We wanted a system-wide change, as our children in market economy conditions, already come prepared for it. You are the ones who stay in first line and you have direct contact with young people. We want these young people to stay in our country and to work on the Moldovan market, to pay taxes to the state budget. We will try to plan these sources correctly. At the level of the inter-ministerial group we will try to find those solutions that ensure professional quality of young people who study in technical vocational system from Republic of Moldova. “


And Rodica Resitca, Head of Science, Training and Rural Extension Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, was pleasantly surprised by the large number of representatives of the institutions that came to the workshop during the well-deserved vacation and summer to plan fairly the income and expenses related to the entrepreneurial activities of the technical vocational education institutions:


“We are very happy with the attitude of the institutions. They tend to change. Besides the situation in the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the partners, we want to achieve a positive result. But we do not know how to use them in the right direction.


Nadja Vetters, KulturKontakt representative:


“In December 2016, we had an event attended by all vocational schools and colleges. We provide assistance to institutions and work with ministries. We want to change procedures and rules. We have here the representatives of pilot schools who are already practicing these entrepreneurial activities generating income and we can exchange experience with colleagues.”


Discussions grew warm enough in the workshop after most administrators and accountants said they had difficulties in planning and reflecting revenue and expenditure in the balance sheet, especially at the end of the year when reports were given to the inspectorate fiscal. The expert, Mrs. Veronica Mirzac, explained by means of concrete examples to which line in the balance sheet should be attributed the incomes, but also the expenses, specifying the latest legislative changes and providing a set of representative materials with examples, which should be used by each accounting; But also Ms. Elena Gîncu, chief specialist in the Management of finance and economic reforms in Education, the Ministry of Education, came with remarks on the annual planning and the fact that the services are not included in the budget classification for the time being. The intervention of Mrs. Vera Romanciuc, principal consultant, Finance service for Education and Agricultural Science, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, was also welcomed and slightly illuminated the situation of income and expenditure in the balance sheet, budget classification, over-execution of revenues. And Ms. Lilia Bostan, senior consultant, Finance Directorate for Education, Culture and Science, intervened with some adjustments to budget planning.


The presentations made by the accountants of the professional schools in Nisporeni and Cimislia showed where the accountants are experiencing difficulties. If in the case of activities involving the production of goods the school accountants do better, but there are many questions in the case of services, as there is not yet a separate service line. Certainly, the system requires adjustments that would provide greater clarity in the legalized reflection of revenue-generating entrepreneurial activities by technical VET institutions. That is why it would be necessary to organize workshops with the representatives of the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Food Industry, but also the Ministry of Finance, the Fiscal Inspectorate, the creation of inter-ministerial working groups in order to make a collaboration with the technical vocational education institutions – adjusting the accounting system to the needs of institutions generating revenue generating entrepreneurship.


All participants requested the organization of such workshops in the near future. We should also mention that only 3 vocational schools correctly planned income generating activities: the professional schools in Nisporeni, Cimislia and Orhei. It was decided that schools should come with an official letter to the line ministries for rectifying the budget classification and also the chart of accounts. Ministries in turn promised to come up with an approach to the institutions in the field for these changes.