
Entrepreneurial activities carried out by VET institutions

Entrepreneurial activities carried out by VET institutions
Continuous training courses based on the demand from private companies and entrepreneurs in the sector, represent one of the main objectives of the CREATIVO project.
Today, June 29, 2022, the meeting of the Commission for the approval of grants for entrepreneurial activities carried out within VET institutions took place, where the business plan for a continuous training course, to be offered to entrepreneurs by Agricultural Technical College from Svetlîi.
The continuous training course in the field of growing vegetables on protected land is a unique opportunity for the institution in the southern part of the Republic to come up with a new approach to vegetable cultivation.
The activities are carried out within the CREATIVO project, implemented by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Assistance (CEDA), with the financial support of Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) and Swiss Cooperation Officce (SDC).