
Round Table: Volunteering – option of personal and professional development

On December 2, 2015 within the project Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counseling (REVOCC) for Moldovan labour force competitiveness, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Support Business (CEDA) organized the Round Table:  Volunteering – option of personal and professional development.


Event was attended by students of Excellence Center in Construction, teachers, Mrs. Valentina Lungu from National Employment Agency, Mrs. Vera Chilari, Senior Consultant, Ministry of Education, representatives of mass-media and CEDAs’ team.


În cadrul proiectului REVOCC elevii Centrului de Excelență în Construcții, de la Specialitatea Design interior, recent au avut oportunitatea de a se implica într-o activitatea de voluntariat ce ține nemijlocit de specialitatea acestora. Elevii au realizat proiecte de design interior pentru Centrele de Ghidare în Carieră care urmează să fie deschise la Chișinău, Cahul şi Soroca. Iar în cadrul evenimentului fiecare elev și-a prezentat proiectul. Această experiență le-a oferit posibilitatea de a-și aplica cunoștințele şi abilitățile pentru realizarea unor proiecte reale.


The purpose of event was to summarize the volunteer work done by students of Excellence Center in Construction, within the REVOCC project.


In this context, Olga Suleanschi, training programs coordinator, CEDA, has presented to students the defining aspects of volunteering, namely the concept and its definition, opportunities of involvement in volunteer activities and the benefits of volunteering.


Within REVOCC project, students from that study interior design recently had the opportunity to get involved in a volunteer activity related to their specialty. Students have developed design projects for VOCC Centers that will opened in Chisinau, Cahul and Soroca. During the event each student presented his project. This experience has given them the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills for making real projects.


Students mentioned that the experience was good for their personal and professional development. They also noted that work has been partly complicated, because the projects have been developed in compliance with certain requirements and real parameters that dimensionally are quite small, so they have to be creative and also practical.


CEDA appreciated very much the work of students who have demonstrated that they possess not only knowledge, but also an innovative spirit.