
“Young People Career Guidance: Opportunities of Collaboration in Cahul rayon”

On April 26, 2017, CEDA in partnership with the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) organized a round table “Young People Career Guidance: Opportunities of Collaboration in Cahul rayon”. The event was hosted by Center of Career Guidance within the Employment Agency from Cahul rayon (AOFM Cahul).


The participants of the round table – representatives of educational institutions, Direction of Education Cahul, local public administration, economical agents, Employment Agencies Leova, Cantemir, Vulcănești, Taraclia were greeted by Raisa Dogaru, Director of the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), who invited them to discover in the subsequent presentations the results of the Career Guidance Center Cahul, opened in September 2016 within the project “Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counseling” (REVOCC), implemented by CEDA in partnership with ANOFM and the Ministry of Education and financed by the Austrian Agency for Development (ADA).


Lia Sclifos, REVOCC project manager, CEDA talked about the fact that the Employment Agencies (AOFMs), where Career Guidance Centers were opened (Cahul, Soroca, Chisinau), in addition to the unemployed persons, has started to develop services of career guidance for young people; in order to cope with the new challenges and to provide youth from Cahul rayon with quality services it is necessary to combine efforts at the local level.


After presenting the achievements of the REVOCC project and Center of Career Guidance Cahul the participants discussed the perspectives of developing local partnerships in the area of career education and signed „The Statement of Intention to Conjugate the Efforts for Career Guidance of Young People from Cahul rayon”.


The REVOCC project (“Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counseling”) started in December 2014 and continues until November 30, 2017. It aims to improve the image of secondary technical vocational education in the Republic of Moldova by re-engineering professional orientation and career counseling of students in general secondary education and technical secondary education.


The objectives of the Project are:


– Linking the education system to the labor market demand to increase employment and work productivity.

– Development of the capacity of secondary and vocational technical secondary education institutions and of ANOFM to provide inclusive vocational guidance and career counseling services to young people to support their socio-economic and educational integration.