
Career guidance services analyzed from a gender perspective

Yesterday, we talked with the representatives of technical vocational education institutions, the Ministry of Education and Research, employees of the central office/sections/territorial directorates of the National Agency for Employment, representatives of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova “The current situation regarding the services of career guidance offered by vocational technical education institutions and institutions on the labor market, analyzed from a gender perspective”.

Based on the study, we found that:
🔹 gender inequality manifests itself most in the labor market, then in entrepreneurial activity and in the sphere of education.
🔹 discrimination against women in relation to men is greater in all spheres:

– on the labor market by 22.8%
– in entrepreneurial activity with 15.2%
-in the field of education with 6.5%.

🔹 the main source of discrimination based on gender in the sphere of education are colleagues (63.2%), and on the labor market – managers/bosses in the view of 80% of women and 50% of men
🔹 about 1/3 of the respondents believe that belonging to a certain gender limits the choice of profession, obtaining education and career development
🔹 the stereotype regarding the existence of professions “for women” and “for men” is supported by about 50% of the respondents, but it is important that over 82% of students from IÎPT claim that they like their chosen profession and ¾ of them want a job that corresponds the profession
🔹 46.7% consider that the existence of small children or pregnancy is an obstacle for girls’ employment
🔹73% of girls and 43.5% of boys believe that the “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship” discipline significantly influenced the decision to start a business
🔹 Females are more environmentally conscious (20% more than boys)

At the end, the participants came up with proposals intended to contribute to the reduction of gender-based discrimination within the vocational technical education institutions and the territorial structures of the ANOFM / the labor market / economic activities / entrepreneurship.

We wish everyone the successful implementation of actions on reducing gender discrimination and deconstructing stereotypes!

The event was organized within the project Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counselling, phase II (REVOCC II), implemented by the Center for Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research, the National Employment Agency and with the financial support of Austrian Development Agency” (ADA)  from the Austrian Development Cooperation funds.