
The follow-up activity within the “Continuous Training of Trainers” program

Yesterday, September 14, 2022, the follow-up activity of the “Continuous Training of Trainers” program took place with 15 VET teaching staff involved in the CREATIVO project, who proposed to provide continuous training courses adjusted to the needs the private sector, from:

– Center of Excellence in Transport from Chisinau
– Center of Excellence in Viticulture and Winemaking from Chisinau
– Agricultural Technical College from Svetlîi
– Agroindustrial College from Ungheni
– Professional School no. 9 from Chisinau.

The teaching staff presented the homework using the knowledge and tools provided in the training, tools needed both for the short courses developed in the CREATIVO project, but also in the initial professional training. The activity ended with a test, brilliantly passed by the 15 training participants.

We remind you that between June 28 and July 11, 2022, the ProDidactica Educational Center offered training as part of the “Continuous Training of Trainers” program in which a group of teachers from technical vocational education participated, guided by trainers Angela Tomița, Valeriu Gorincioi and Sergiu Coceas. In the program, teachers studied various teaching techniques thus preparing to become specialists in adult education and mentoring.

The activity is carried out within the project “Creating Values for Others: VET institutions provide relevant vocational skills” (CREATIVO), implemented by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support  (CEDA), with the financial support of Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) and Swiss Cooperation in Moldova (SDC).