
The official opening of the Summer School of Young Leaders- 2016

60 girls aged between 15 and 18 will participate in the Summer School for Young Leaders, starting at July 24, 2016 at the rest camp “Romanita” from Vadul-lui-Voda town, Chisinau municipality.


The Summer School for Young Leaders  is organized  by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), in the partnership with the Ministry of Education, the National Agency for Employment, and the financial support provided by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).


The Summer School participants were selected from schools of the Republic of Moldova; selection was made out of 120 girls. To participate in the competition it was required to submit an application form and an essay about the future career.


During an entire week the girls will participate in training sessions, workshops and debates dedicated to personal development and career planning. In the same time, the girls will improve their English language and participate in discussion and stimulating initiative club. Among the 10 counselors, who will advise the participants at the Summer School, there is a Peace Corps Moldova volunteer.


During the first day of the School activity the participants expressed their opinions regarding the career that they will embrace; at the end of the training they will present a project concept of their career development.


Sofia Șuleanschi, the CEDA’s executive director, has mentioned at the opening of the Summer School that it is very important that young people from Moldova have the possibility to choose a profession that will bring pleasure but in the same time will be useful to the society.


According to CEDA’s director, in the era when information dominates and influences the decisions, it is important that children are properly informed about the career development possibilities and choose a proper profession. In the same time, Sofia Şuleanschi said, that the organization she leads advocates for wider information of pupils about the country’s needs on specialists and the training of the future entrepreneurs since the school time.


Gerhard Schaumberger, the Director of Austrian Development Agency from Moldova, said that women have an increasing role in all areas of the development in all countries. Thus, educating women leaders since school is a common practice for Austria.  Using such practice in Moldova is essential in situation when Moldova wants to join the community space; in the European Union the  subject of gender issue plays an important role.


Elena Cernei, the Deputy Minister of Education, revealed that among the priorities of the Moldovan government and, especially, of the Ministry of Education, are the stimulation of entrepreneurship education among young people. So far, the information is spread by such subject as Civic Education and class masters’ hours. There are currently under discussion the amendments to the Framework Programme, developed by the Ministry, which will highlight the importance of right professional orientation of pupils.


The Deputy Minister of Education said, that it is obvious that women began to engage more actively in the country’s economy, and the study of basics of entrepreneurship in tandem with the organization of such events as the current Summer School, will lead to the appointment of women leaders who will help change future Moldova for the better.


On Friday, July 29, 2016, the girls will present their career projects in front of other participants, representatives of CEDA, ADA, and guests.

The Summer School for Young Leaders – 2016 is organized within the project “Re-Engeneering Vocational Orientation and Career Counceling for Moldovan labour force competitiveness” (REVOCC), implemented by CEDA, in the partnership with the Ministry of Education, the National Agency for Employment, and the financial support provided by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).