
Presentation of business plans by the graduates of the course „Starting Your Own Business”

Today, January 13, 2015, in the premises of FIDES Center (1/3Musatinul Street) a presentation of business plans developed by graduates of post VET course „Starting Your Own Business” was carried out. The course was organized within the project MEEETA III, held from 16 to 24 December 2014, where graduates of vocational schools and colleges from Moldova had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of entrepreneurship and opportunities to launch a business. They worked intensively with trainers at the elaboration of a business plan for their own ideas.


Business ideas included various areas (tailor shop, beekeeping, online shop, barber shop, quails growing, etc.), being well structured and argued by the participants. The business plans were considered by a commission of 4 members:


— Sofia Shuleanschi, CEDA’s Executive Director

— Victor Pitei, CEDA Program Coordinator

— Tatiana Puga, Director of Balti Association of Business Women

— Tudor Lupashco, Expert


A good dialogue has been maintained between the examination commission and youth who presented their business plans, resulting with useful recommendations for further development of their ideas. Young people who have presented their plans are encouraged to apply to a MEEETA III grant program for a future launch of their businesses.