We present a study, with the theme: “Evaluation of the current situation regarding the provision of Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling services to students in Secondary Education Institutions”, recently carried out within the project “Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counselling, phase II” (REVOCC )., funded by “Austrian Development Agency” (ADA) and implemented by the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Assistance (CEDA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the “National Employment Agency” (ANOFM).

The objectives of the project are:

1. Improving the quality of professional guidance and career counseling in secondary education.

2. Strengthening the institutional capacity of providers of extracurricular professional guidance and career counseling services and the development and implementation of new services.

Baseline Study on he Current Situation in the field of Career Guidance

Studiu de referinţă privind situaţia la zi în domeniul Ghidării și Proiectării Carierei

Analysis of the current situation on the teaching of the “Personal Development and Career Planning” Module as part of civic education and class hours in the secondary general education